
Business Loans

Guide to Business Loans for your Business

Business Loan Requirements and Guidelines

Bank Term Loan

a.    Pricing: as low as WJS Prime + 3-8.99%

b.   Monthly Payment

c.    First Lien  – NO Subordinate

d.   New 3-5 year term loan to refinance principal

e.    Early pay off discount

f.     Fees to borrower – 3-6.0% origination fee (based on approved line amount)

g.   Non-Renewable



a.    Min $50K bank deposit, no NSF, no prior default,

b.    Min 2-3 years time in business

c.    Min 680 FICO

d.    Financials package required

Revolving structure for flexibility:

a.    Fixed Payment

b.    Low Pay back

c.    Close-ended

d.    Reduce Balance amortization

e.    Full Online Access for Control


Fully funded at origination (based on approved line amount)

Non-Bank Business Loans Qualification Criteria:

Renewable Every upon 50% Paid Down Threshold

Non-Bank Term Loan

a.    Pricing: rate based revenue, time in business and credit

b.   Weekly, Monthly Payment

c.    12 to 24 month term

d.   Early pay off discount

e.    Fees to borrower – from 3.0% origination fee (based on approved line amount)

f.     Renewable at 50% paid down threshold



a.    Min $20K bank deposit, no NSF, no prior default,

b.    Min 12 month time in business

c.    Min 600 FICO

d.    Bank statements

Revolving structure for flexibility:

a.    Fixed Payment

b.    Low Pay back

c.    Close-ended

d.    Reduce Balance amortization

e.    Full Online Access for Control

Fully funded at origination (based on approved line amount)

What do I need to apply?

No matter what loan you apply for, the process remain the same. We do soft-inquiry to see if you even qualify, then we guide you through the right loan to get the right papers or approval with the least amount of papers and time. 

Our initial analysis will determine what is the maximum you can qualify with just application only. Then if you want to get lower rates, full financial is the best way to provide to get the lowest rates. Give the lender warm and fuzzy feelings. 

Start here…additional info will be needed no matter where you go but why get papers when we can avoid it. 

1.     ONLINE APPLICATION: You can fill out our application, upload and authorized us to process your application. We do soft-inquiry, and our lender will do hard inquiries once you are approved for Equipment Financing only.

2.  Banks statements (3-4 months) – Proof income, proof of banking, and proof funds availability in case down payment is needed and to match for ACH Payment Drafting – as an auto pay.

For questions, please don’t hesitate to call 888-511-6223.

Vendor Sign Up

Are you equipment dealer or vendor?
please click here to signup for a vendor program, no payment for 90 days, monthly payments upto 60 month

Apply for financing for your customer as a vendor

Get Started Today

Our application process is easy. Simply fill out our quick, online application and start the process of securing financing for your start up practice. Our knowledgeable finance experts are here to assist you in obtaining a start up financing loan.

If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us

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