Business Cash Advance
Business Cash Advance Qualification
Business Cash Advance Credit Requirements
- Approved Industry with more than 3-5 deposits a month
- Revenue: Average $10-20K a months for the last 3 to 4 months
- Time in Business: Typically, at least 1+ years, but varies by lenders will go as low as 6 months.
- Credit Score: 550
- Documentation: Bank statements, bank verification and application. Proof of owners and time in business.
- Amount: Up to $5,000,000 per location based on the need
- Term: 2 to 18 months
- Interest Rate: rate factor start at $1.1 to $1.5 per dollar borrowed
- Frequency: Weekly, Daily
- Early Payoff discount
- Minimum Sales: $10K consistently and consecutively
- Minimum time in Business for other loans 12-24 months
What Do I Need to Get Business Cash Advance?
- One Page Application
- 3 or 4 Months of Bank Statements
- Voided Check
- Driver’s License
- Proof of Ownership
Apply and Get Funded within 24 hours
Liberty Capital Group's Approach
Bank Statement Assessment: If you qualify for a bank loan, your application is submitted for this option first. If approved, you receive the bank loan.
Next Best Loan: If the bank loan application is declined, your profile is then evaluated for the next best available loan. For instance, if you applied for a line of credit but are turned down, you might be offered a term loan instead.
Multiple Offers: You are not obligated to accept any of the offers presented to you. The goal is to provide you with an approval option that you can consider for your business needs.
High Approval Chances: If Liberty Capital Group is unable to approve you, it is likely that other lenders may also find it challenging to provide you with a loan.
Merchant Cash Advance: Should you not qualify for a line of credit or a term loan, the next option would be a merchant cash advance. This ensures that you have access to some form of funding even if higher-tier options are not available.
Experience Matters: Business cash advance can be a complicated process, so you must not do it alone. Working with an business loan broker who knows how to package the best approval will only help get you the right financing.
Vendor Sign Up
Are you equipment dealer or vendor?
please click here to signup for a vendor program, no payment for 90 days, monthly payments upto 60 month
Apply for financing for your customer as a vendor
Get Started Today
Our application process is easy. Simply fill out our quick, online application and start the process of securing financing for your start up practice. Our knowledgeable finance experts are here to assist you in obtaining a start up financing loan.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us
- 619-795-3123
- Mon – Fri: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm (EST)